Rockway Community

Rockway community at lunch in fellowship hallAt Rockway, we value the participation of all our members. We believe that God invites each of us to share our passions and gifts: in leading worship or preaching, providing music, serving on committees, making coffee and helping with social events, working with children and youth, participating in peace and justice projects, or initiating new ideas for the congregation. There are numerous groups that meet for education, special projects or socializing at various times. For more information, contact our pastor.

Children’s Sunday School

Children in Sunday School with teacherWe offer a Sunday School program for children from JK/age 4 through high school. Children and youth gather on Sunday mornings in small, separate classes for age-appropriate faith formation and exploration activities. Younger children typically begin the morning program by singing together, followed by Bible-story sharing and educational activities most often drawn from the Shine curriculum. Youth typically enjoy more home-grown curriculum, enjoying discussion and activities as determined by their interests and those of their teachers. The Sunday School program is the responsibility of Rockway’s Christian Formation team and is managed by our Family Ministry Coordinator and Sunday School Coordinators who staff the classrooms with a team of young adult teachers and volunteers from the congregation.


Youth​​The junior youth (grades 6-8) and senior youth (grades 9-12) programs at Rockway provide youth with the resources to build their faith on a Mennonite foundation in an open and welcoming space. Though weekly Sunday school the youth are given an opportunity to learn about and discuss the teachings of the bible in todays context. Through our monthly service projects or social gathering, the youth are able to build relationships with their peers and with the community in a Christian context. We welcome visitors to both Sunday school and to our events! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our pastor.

Adult Education

Members of congregation in adult education, with coffee and notesOn Sunday mornings, in addition to our service, Adult Education is an opportunity for the congregation to hear speakers on a wide variety of themes. These presentations offer information and insights into a topic relevant to our spiritual lives as individuals and in community. Congregants or guests from outside the church share perspectives on areas of personal or professional interest, and allow for Q&A, conversation and community engagement. Adult Education Hour takes place in the sanctuary from 11am to noon many Sundays between September and June.

Social Concerns & Service Committee

Youth serving lunch to raise funds for refugee support​This committee engages and educates the congregation about social concerns issues and encourages its participation in service opportunities and social action both locally and globally.


Signs made for climate rally​This interest group heeds the call to climate action and justice with the intent to educate, create awareness and invite others to engage. Highlights of the activities led by this group are:

  • creation of and care for our pollinator gardens*
  • Adult Education presentations
  • sermons
  • carbon offset projects
  • books studies
  • energy audits
  • networking
  • sign-making

*A list of plants found in our Rockway Pollinator Gardens, and information about where they were purchased, can be downloaded here: Plants for Pollinator Gardens

Pastoral Care

QuiltOur pastor works along with our Pastoral Care Team to attend to pastoral care needs within the congregation and community.  We visit in the hospital and in homes and work together to create an environment where people care for one another. If you’d like a visit, please contact our pastor.


Knitters and Knotters in church fellowship hall​The Knotters group meets on the first Thursday afternoon of the month to knot comforters that were previously sewn by a core of women within the group. Eight to 15 people gather for a couple hours of knotting, followed by coffee, tea and snacks. Most of these comforters go overseas via MCC. The group has knotted over 500 comforters since they formed in 2001!

The Knotters welcome newcomers, whether Rockway members or not.

Photo: the Knotters at work in the church fellowship room.