Our Vision: An open and welcoming faith community seeking to live Christ’s wisdom and peace in the world.
- To different perspectives on faith and life
- To wisdom from other religious traditions, science and academic disciplines
- To newcomers
- To God’s Spirit
- To those who identify as LGBTQ2+
- To those in need of mobility and hearing assistance.
- Membership is based on Christian faith and not gender identity or sexual orientation.
- We support same sex marriage. All leadership positions are open to any member.
- We continue to grow and learn…we’re not perfect!
- Our reason for being is Christian faith.
- We find our identity and orientation in Biblical scripture
- Worship is our central, common activity.
- We seek to build and maintain a communal culture.
- We invite broad participation in worship, preaching and church ministries.
- We try to support one another in times of illness and difficulty.
- We don’t have all the answers.
- We value questioning and discernment.
- Traditional truths must be re-examined in light of new developments.
To Live
- Christian faith is to be demonstrated in behaviour, not just in words.
- Anabaptist conviction is that Jesus is to be followed, not just worshipped.
- Following Jesus means working toward social and environmental justice with compassion.
- Jesus Christ as revelation of God’s character, purpose and will.
- Jesus as interpretive lens for life and scripture.
- Christ as mediator, reconciler of all things.
- Learning to live with paradox.
- Moving toward maturity and depth.
- God’s desire is to make peace – to reconcile us to one another, to the earth and to God.
- Peacemaking is active and not passive.
- No true peace without justice.
In the World
- The world is wonderful.
- We are called to engage and participate.
- We are not separatist, sectarian or dualistic.